Dear ones welcome to the morning after the morning after the morning after and so on. Your days may go on like this for a while. Each 24 hour period a time where you find yourself, lose yourself, find your community, briefly (hopefully) lose your mind and return to center, then sleep, covid (vivid) dreams and then awaken to do it all over again. It’s much like groundhogs day. It’s much like living your whole life in one day (which you always are anyway) so get intimate with your time. Get intimate with yourself and those around you, if there are any, but the message here is, do not wait for tomorrow to come to solve today’s problems. Tomorrow is here already, it is called today and it is now. You will have lots of chances to practice how to sculpt your days in the ways that allow you to bring the most joy to yourselves. The news will continue to shift in ways I’m sure you can already predict. Spend as much time as you need in that space with healthy boundaries and return to yourself. Soothe yourselves! Love yourselves! And as good as your intentions are to finish long put off projects and learn languages and instruments and so on and so on, which is wonderful and noble and we love to see you exercise your creative spirit, you will win no medals for how much you “achieve” in your down time. The diamond in the mine is your own inner peace and joy. That is all that is asked of you, to allow space for your consciousness to occupy more of your conscious mind. You are made of consciousness. You are made of light. The light on the planet is increasing. How in tune you are with yourself, your body and your planet is something that becomes stronger with practice, the practice of being with you and taking time to go inward. You are always you, you are the grandest expression of yourself, your “higher self”, the rise of your soul ever expanding and ever blooming, reaching towards the sun. The only thing that blocks the connection are the barriers you have constructed within yourself. These are things that you think you need/should do/self judgement/comparisons/the opinions of the wider world, and all of those things have just gone out of the window. This time is about you being with you, to allow yourself to hear the frequency of your soul at the loudest decibel. Again this will take practice and time, and many of you are at different stages of this process and that is not only ok, but it is by design so that you can help each other at different points. Again we stress, do not judge those at different levels of awakening consciousness than you. All chose to be on earth now to fulfill a specific role for the greater good of the grand awakening, which you are beginning to now see with your own eyes. Let this time unfold with as little judgement to yourselves and others. All will come out of this time with a different perspective. Be kind to yourselves and hold space in love and kindness, peace and the light and joy of your beautiful beautiful heart dear old soul. We love you so very much, and we love everything you do (because it is all growth and that is what you came to earth to experience!) Namaste.

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