Patience While Waiting/In It Together

Dear ones,
We join together with you in this space to wish you a hearty hello and give you a big bear hug of our loving angelic energy. We know your hugs have been few and far between these days, as you have been isolating from each other in order to protect each other. This is a beautiful thing. You are embodying the patience required to put off the instant fulfillment you crave today for the well-being and betterment of all humankind. This is by far and away some of the hardest work you have done thus far as humans incarnate. As you can see, you are all arriving to the stage at various levels of heart centeredness and awareness. You may be feeling frustration at what appears to be the lack of empathy from certain individuals or certain collectives. Know that you must learn to do this work together, and that means bringing the skills you have conscious awareness of to the forefront while you patiently (there’s that again) wait for others to meet you where you reside. Out of respect and love for each other, you must and are meeting each other where you each are, which is not the same, but you are all heading in the same direction. Know that when you find yourself frustrated, angry, despondent or sad, or any number of emotions, that we are always here. Ask us to take this from you and transmute it, so you may once again feel the clarity and purpose of yourself in your own heart. You need not embody what others are putting out especially if it does not resonate. Ask us to help you release it and we surely shall! For now, we’d like to keep this simple and concise. You have enough on your plates. We are here! We are always here. You are doing so wonderfully, to see the way you love yourselves and each other. And we love you. Always and forever. Your guides. Namaste. Ps sticking your heads out of the sand may have left your eyes irritated. The bath is coming to wash this all away. In the meantime, if you cannot “see”, use your other senses, and your other eyes 😉

You Are Flying

Dear one; there is nothing to feel anxious about. You are highly attuned and energetically sensitive to the changes the planet is experiencing (no different from you, as you are one body) and what the human collective is shedding. It’s feels raw and exposed. This is not yours. Know this. Meditate on this little oyster. You are again filtering the water. And thank you for knowing the tools you need to understand this are within you. This is all part of what the collective is feeling, and the planet! Her major planetary allies which influence so much of her decision making have all pulled back to allow her space to do this on her own. For you (humanity) and the planet this is taking the training wheels off the bike of this incarnation. Yes your planet has reincarnated as herself again and again and in this version she is shedding the need to rely on the other planetary bodies for guidance before making her own choices. This is an adjustment but soon it will feel comfortable and even sooner it will be liberating!! So know that what you feel is the vulnerability of a toddler walking for the first time without being held in his mother’s arms. He has always had within him the ability to walk, as have you always had the ability to fly. Know this is what you are experiencing on an individual, planetary and collective level. You are one interconnected butterfly. We love you. Namaste.

The Light in Me Sees The Light in You

Dear one, good morning little lamb, little deer. We feel the beauty of you in your natural surroundings. You are much like the birds, cautious, aware, constantly looking over your shoulder for trouble or danger, but there is a feeling of relaxment. Have you noticed the birds relaxing around you? They are developing a newfound sense of trust for their environment. Your typical daily actions disrupt and frighten them, but now they feel your harmony has changed and they have adjusted to you. Can you see how much you are linked? This is just one small thing that is changing in your world. The trees are also relaxing a bit. They do not fear you like some creatures, but your frenetic vibrations have not always put them at ease. Your biorhythms now match their own much more closely and they feel a synchronicity with you. Can you imagine trying to breathe in (sun boost ion) syncopation with someone breathing very very fast and shallow, while you are breathing in a measured and deep way? You would lose your breath! This is how the trees feel! Their inhale is your exhale and visa versa. They couldn’t keep up. Now your breath has slowed. You are in the flow of all things. You may not FEEL like you are, because as you have rejoined the flow of all things, the rest of your body, your emotions and your nervous system are now having a chance to process everything you’ve felt and stored away for your entire lives. Oh just that right? 😉 That is no small undertaking. This may feel uncomfortable and you may want this process to stop already. It comes in waves and dear ones we have many more to go. We do not say this to frighten you, only to tell you that even though many of you have just started this process, you are doing an excellent job! You have no map for this and little guidance from the outside world. What you do have is your millions and billions and trillions of years of experience that lives in your cells and your heart and your mind. You will learn to trust this and rely on this ancient system of yours to guide you from within, but in the meantime let the trees be your guides. Feel their presence and stillness. Feel their peace and their love for you. Breathe their new air with gratitude as you exchange your air for theirs, and know how thankful they are for you. Hear the song of the birds, that though you cannot understand the language, you can understand the intent and let that permeate your nervous system and your unconscious mind. They sing the song of the planet as their gift to you. Feel this peace. And when the wave swells within your world or within your mind and you feel you cannot handle this any longer, remember these words. You are loved. You are doing a great job. This is not easy work. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. This phase too shall pass and with each pass you will become stronger and clearer and more adapted to your new world. We love you so very much. Namaste dear ones. Namaste. (The light in me sees the light in you.)

A Meditation for Love

In a meditation last week I was showered with gifts from different light beings. The Pleiadians gave me a small globe of the earth, which they showed me could be incorporated into my meditations to send love and healing energy to each person around the world.

Today’s meditation led me to use this globe for the first time, by connecting into the earth’s energy and connecting to my heart, I envisioned sending love and peace to every living heart on this planet. For everyone in pain and fear and loss, and for everyone coming out of pain and fear and loss and embracing a new feeling of love and light, I sent a beam of light carrying the highest energy of love into all of their hearts. This felt so good. I called on the planet, the angels and ascended masters and my ancestors to stand with me and amplify this energy. It felt so beautiful. I have been now guided to share this simple meditation with you, if you’d like to try.

Close your eyes and imagine you are connected to the earth through a beautiful energetic cord of light which runs from the center of your body all the way down into the center of the earth. As the earth sends her energy back up through you, feel the lightness and beauty of that energy move up through your body and into your heart. Know that this cord runs both ways, so there is an equally long cord of light from above that runs down through the top of your head and connects into your heart, bringing in the lighter vibrations from the upper dimensions and your higher self. Now imagine the earth as a beautiful blue and green globe that you can easily hold in your hands. It is light and it feels so good to hold. Think of all of the people on the planet, each in their own place, their own situations their own lives, but yet all connected to each other by sharing the space on this globe, that you are holding in your hands. Envision the glowing light of your heart and see yourself sending that light to the heart of every person on the planet, who’s heart is so happy to receive this light from you, even if consciously they don’t know it, this is beautiful medicine for all. Stay here and beam this light from your heart for as long as you like, and when you are finished, feel the wave of peace that has washed over you and over the whole planet. The hearts thank you. The planet thanks you. Your own heart thanks you. Slowly open your eyes.

Feel free to do this as often as you like. It is so healing for so many. After I finished this meditation, I felt a pause, as a gift was being sent back to me, and a beautiful beam of new light was sent into my heart, as a thank you. It felt so loving, and I felt it activate the central sun inside of me, which then radiated so much light right back out.
We are in symbiosis with all living things. We may feel at this time that what is happening is so overwhelming, that we don’t know where to begin to offer our assistance or what to do. Simply being in your heart and knowing yours is connected to the all, does so much. This may seem like a simple meditation, but it is very very powerful, just like you are. I love you. Namaste.

The Next Wave

Dear ones,
As you sit amidst the debris of the toppled life you knew, it is hard to see a clear way forward. Your view is quite literally blocked by the rubble. Know that another wave of energy is coming to shift the shift into the next wave. The intention of this next wave is to clear the debris from your viewfinder. We will not say how this wave will appear for we do not wish to instill any further sense of fear, and these things tend to be easier to deal with in reality than in thought, though you may perceive it to be the quite the opposite. Know that this wave will be quite powerful, even more so than you think you can handle, but we are here to tell you you are resilient and strong and brave in your heart and spirit and mind, and you can handle anything. There will be a deep sense of grief for what is washing away and this is very natural so allow this process. There is always a moment between the old leaving and the new coming. Please keep this in mind when you find yourselves in that window of time. Bless what is leaving for how it served you, and welcome the space for what is new to be ushered in. It won’t take too long. This we can promise you. Trust your heart. Trust yourselves. For now, that is enough. We love you so very dearly. Namaste our brave warriors of light in this new time and space.

Appreciation For Gaia

Dear ONE,
Hello and good morning. Can you feel the energy shifting again and ramping up? The next wave is swelling. To have brought you to this point, certain events needed to unfold. This is the path that was chosen in co-creation with humanity and Gaia. First the wrecking ball, then the shock and the pause, then the quiet, the stillness. Yes my dears there is so much pain and questioning right now, much uncertainty, but this is ok. You have supposed most of your life that you generally had this life thing figured out. You did not waiver much from the blueprint that had been handed to you generationally and cellularly. There was the blueprint of your source code, of what your soul wanted, and with enough practice some were able to break the glass to use this direction, but not many, and it was esoteric information was it not? Not something readily or comfortably talked about. That the plan for your life was deviating from the societal norm. These two things were incongruent so many kept very quiet about their souls awakenings inside of their human bodies. This just wasn’t done or spoken to. And yet here you are, with much of humanity now having this experience collectively, and much of humanity having no idea what the F*** is going on! Some of it feels good, liberating, releasing (real easing) and most of it feels fucking insane! (We don’t generally use expletives but we feel the need to make the point of how outside of the “norm” this is for most people), a collective dark night of the soul, a collective rock bottom. So now, in the dark stillness at the bottom of the well, you begin to hear whispers. The birds are getting louder, the breeze feels crisper and cleaner. Gaia is speaking to you, as she always has been, but now you can hear her. The next step is are you listening to her. Imagine a teenager playing a loud war themed video game while his mother talks to him in the background. Finally out of sheer exasperation she unplugs the game. The room is quiet. The child is in disbelief. When he realizes the game is not resuming he turns and looks and listens to his mother. Imagine his range of emotions in this moment. Anger, sadness, fear, curiosity, etc. What comes next? Why did she unplug his distraction and quietly command his attention? What does she want to tell him? Most likely she misses him. She misses having a connection with him, because he is here in the house. She feeds him and supports him, but he is not present. She wants to reestablish the connection they once had. She means no harm. All of this is done in love. Can the child understand that? Maybe on some level, but he is still developing, so she is instilling in him presence, gratitude, love. This is our collective. We for far too long have been distracted by this game of war, us versus them, me versus you, in whatever form. This was never the design for humanity. The grand experiment was for the soul, the creator to experience itself in form and FEEL what that feels like. And for a while this is what humanity did, but for a long long while we have been fully distracted. It is now time to return to the original mission, and expand that further where it is not an individual pursuit (an illusion built on control) but a collective one. We are not separate from each other. We are not separate from our planet. That is wholly not possible in any conceivable way. As we approach what is our self appointed birthday for our mother planet, it is time to be present, to give thanks, to simply acknowledge that even if we don’t know how to walk this new path, that we will try to figure it out, together, and that starts with one, with you. What can you do to honor and say thank you to your mother, which is in essence saying thank you to yourself? As this new moon approaches and the next wave crests, know that with each swelling of new energy we are thrust closer and closer to reestablishing this ancient and sacred connection to ourselves and our planet in love and connectedness. There is so much more to say, but for now we simply speak of the wave swelling this week. Hang out, in love. We love you. Namaste.

Shifting, In Step, With Gaia

Dear one,
Good morning! It is so nice to be with you here! We are so awed by the work you continue to do in your hearts, to open all doors and clear all pathways of connection to your greater (vaster) selves. There is so much beyond the sliver of this human experience, but dear ones this experience right now is definitely the focus of your soul’s existence. The earth is center stage in the galactic universe right now. She is a blue jewel 💎 who has been in shadow for quite some time, and to see her shifting/rotating more and more fully into the central sun and her own natural planetary alignment is just glorious to behold, and you are right along side of that. You are that with her. When the earth is in shadow and darkness, so are you dear ones because you cannot possibly be separate from her, she is you. You have this notion that you live on earth and go about your business, but now that you have the time and perspective, really think about that. What could you possibly do that is actually separate? No water, you transition off the planet, no food (all born of the planet), you transition off the planet, disease caused by misalignment and disharmony within your cellular structure, you transition off the planet. You see, you being in step with the planet gives you the keys to the experience of flourishing on the planet. Most other species do not have the option to be out of step. This is not on their radar. You as humans are different. You “choose”, but many of your choices are not your own. They are ingrained. We feel many of you, given the choice, very much like the way it feels to be in step with the planet and the natural world around you, and this time out is providing a short glimpse into what that potential could look like. Each choice you make in your own personal lives will either put you in alignment with your earth mother or take you out. This may take practice and some larger institutions will need to shift, as you are beginning to see, but this will happen with each other’s cooperation and participation, and as things become more normal to want to align with the planet, it will get easier and easier. New processes will emerge. If you want to be here at this most auspicious time (you may think we are crazy for saying that but you will see) then you must be in sync to stay grounded here, and not choose to transition away. There is no death. We must reiterate that. Energy never dies. You transition, you transform, you morph. Much is morphing now, in body in each moment. You are not in control, but you are in the co-pilot seat. How can you harmoniously work with your partner, your mother planet, to guide each other to the outcome that can hold the most light and blessings for all? We love you so very much. Namaste.

Ps…I am including the original message that I created this art for, from May 19th 2017. I’ve noticed whenever I’m guided to use a piece of art I’ve used before, that the messages go together, even if they are years apart. Perfect! Time is so not linear! Peace be with you in this time. There is a word we have for this, compassion. Under the guise of a darkening sky, you open your umbrella and lean on. The wind picks up: the storm is brewing. But just then when you sense an impending downpour, the sun breaks through and the clouds clear: you did not see this coming. You wait. You peek around. And now it’s a beautiful evening with a gorgeous sunset. The sky is pink with wonder. You do not know everything, for everything is up to you and it is always changing and a new and different outcome is always possible. Somewhere inside of you, you knew this to be true, but rarely saw it in action. Get used to this dear ones: the uncommon is about to become the new normal! Hold on to your hats and taste the rainbow! 🌈🌈🌈

The Great Change

Dear one, ah welcome and thank you for joining us this morning in this sacred space of connectedness and togetherness. Don’t worry; the tap will never run dry. We are always here; whenever you call on us, whenever you think of us. We are a part of you, we are you, we are all connected in the greater whole so have no fear that one day you will call upon us and we will be gone. Impossible. Nothing is ever gone! All is external. All simply transforms. Much as humanity is doing right now. This is the biggest (that word is not sufficient to capture the breadth of the human transformation right now) change humanity has EVER seen. Now imagine you have been on this planet for as long as the planet has been alive (and some of you have, you have) maybe not in human form, but in some form or another. You have been transforming and transmuting and transmitting this entire time. You have grown and changed with the planet, of which you are connected and can never be not connected to, do you see? So as she has morphed you have morphed, and as you have morphed, she has morphed. In tandem, you dance your changes together. Your beloved special beautiful earth is going through the biggest transformation of her life. She is becoming a star! She is in the early stages of this ultimate change but she is holding so much more light, and so much is being released. As for you, though many of you know you are interconnected to the planet in theory but generally forget, and there are many who cannot see the thread from mother to child; as she changes you change. You are holding more light. As with the concept of dispersion, the more light that comes in, room must be made for the denser energy to be burned off and released. The world has a fever. The people of the world are sickening with a virus which is transmuting their cellular make up and their lung capacity. The earth is on fire. She is the warmest she has ever been. Her breath has been restricted by the air quality of late. You are both resting. You are both releasing. This is the next phase. See your integration as being hand in hand with your great mother. She is not dying, she is transforming! You are not dying, you are transforming. Some (most) will choose to remain in their physical bodies for this transformation and some will choose to return to the other side for a rest and return in a new vessel of a body. This is all a choice that has been made on a soul level on another plane. Transmute your fear as much as you can. See the beauty of what is changing and trust that this is part of the process of your evolution. We know this is not easy. Holding this much light this quickly is certainly no easy feat, but you can do it, because you are already doing it. You did this. You’re the one making these changes. You will understand this more later. It is hard to see now through the fog of sudden change and confusion, sadness and fear. Steel yourselves and know your power. You are infinite beings of light. You are working together with all of the forces around you to collectively elevate human consciousness on the planet from that of the caterpillar to that of the butterfly. You almost will not recognize yourselves when this phase has completed. We love you so very dearly. We are here for you always so please call on us and listen to that still voice within. We are here. We are here. We are here. And we are never leaving you. All of our love in this trying and wonderful times. Namaste.

What Time Is It?

Dear ones, Ah there you are, good morning! Have you been feeling like your head is in the sand? Overwhelmed with new information every time you pop up for air? Yes this appears to be the look of things for a little while. And so it goes. And so it went. You see what you’re experiencing in your present is actually already in your past. Bear with us here. Time is non-linear. You experience it in a linear fashion to make living the human experience more coherent, and it functions well (sort of) with the current structures you live within, and under (and under the rubble of- which you may be feeling hard to climb out of.) It is no coincidence that this virus has many grasping for air. The throat Chakra has been blocked and disassociated for many on an individual level but most certainly on a global level. The voice of your soul is often not heard, not by your conscious human body and even your human body feels it’s voice is barely heard above the global clamor. But we digress. That is for another time (“time”) but you see what we did there, because all is part of the infinite whole. So back to time. How many of you have asked the question this week, “what day is it today?” You see when you are cut off from your need for time, it is useless and you see it is arbitrary. So when we tell you you are living in your past, this is a good thing! You are here to work through this moment together, those physically distant (again, had you told someone a few hundred years ago that the world would work together while separated they wouldn’t have understood how this was possible). Space, much like time, is a construct. You are everywhere you put your energy. Now in the “future” you will get to experience the beauty of why you chose to be here now. This is the birth dear ones. This is the labor. No one said this part would be easy. The contractions will come in waves and we hate to tell you, but you are just getting started. And this will be a natural delivery if you choose to not numb yourselves from the experience. The choice is always yours. What techniques will help you get through this birth, and give you tools you will be able to use in your new future? May we suggest lots of focused breathing, to take your mind off of the pain of this and focus it inward to your heart, to what you are giving birth to. If death precedes birth, what are you releasing? What would you like to see released from the world? You may not feel you have much control, much of a voice (again we return to the blockages in the throat and lungs) as you hold your breath through this, but we ask you to please remember to breathe and to focus on your heart, and that your vision for your “future”, essentially your new NOW, is very powerful. Do not discount your imagination of the world you’d like to live in, and the self you’d like to feel connected to. Both are vast and beautiful and start within. Remember that the physical experience is a projection of your vision. It starts with the drawing board, individually and collectively, which of course are one in the same. Do not worry about not having control or power over what you see in the world. Focus on you and breathe, and the rest will come together. We love your beautiful gracious hearts and spirits. We will tell you when it’s time to push. Namaste. 🙏

Time is Yours (and Always Has Been)

Dear one, good morning and welcome to your daily update of heart inspiring news! We don’t mean to make light of anything happening in your earth plane right now. All is, in some sense, by redesign and the rest is the way you are interpreting the events and filtering them through whatever lenses you are using (fear, love, heart centeredness, expansion, contraction, contrition) so you see the reason all feels like it is constantly shifting is because you are constantly shifting how you are choosing (or unconsciously choosing) to view things. This is a slow moving freight train. There will be lots of time to uncover each and every stone of emotion. It will take a little while to adjust to the the “no time” feeling, where you are no longer on someone else’s schedule for your life and your day completely belongs to you (within reason, especially those with families at home) but remember always that this time belongs to you! And when this has all faded away and you return your new normal normal, remember this teaching, all time belongs to YOU. It always has. Your power lies there within that truth. You have never been a victim of a life someone else created for you. This is your life created by you. This is your time on earth spent by you. These are the choices you make chosen by you. Yes, life gets “complicated” when those choices spiral into their potential outcomes, many of which we don’t consider while choosing, but that is the fun part! That is where the growth occurs! And if the lesson ends and you’ve learned what you came to learn, you will often pivot to a new choice, and if the lesson needs more time, then it repeats in a new form. None of this is to punish you. Facing uncertainty is all part of the process of being human. Can you do it with love, knowing that you’ve never actually had the answers, even when you thought you did? 😉 All is meant to teach you how to bring your full soul self into your body in a fully loving way, and this is a statement that one could spend an infinite amount of eternities Unravelling, but to boil it down to its simplest expression, you are an expression of love and light from the creator, which is also you. You are simply a facet of yourself experiencing yourself in many forms. You are all connected because you were never not One to begin with. So all of your choices have brought you here together collectively to this moment. Could any of you have planned for this really? Even though you’ve planned so much of your lives, you could not have predicted this exact moment. These are uncertain times, but all times are uncertain! The only truth here and now is you are love. Your heart wants so fully to express that. Allow it. In this time of uncertainty, in the no time of every moment that you now occupy, can you allow your heart to be in love? Start with you. And that is enough for one lifetime or more!! Allow your heart to love you. Allow you to love your heart. What happens next is a ripple effect. You need not do anything else. Sound simple? This is not meant to be complicated. That’s the job of the unconscious human 😉 The natural world is simple by design. Allow the knot to unravel. Don’t force. Don’t push. Simply allow, in love, as much as you can, and the rest will follow in due time. We love you so very much. Namaste. Amen. Salam. Shalom. Peace peace peace to you in every language. Love.