The Next Wave

Dear ones,
As you sit amidst the debris of the toppled life you knew, it is hard to see a clear way forward. Your view is quite literally blocked by the rubble. Know that another wave of energy is coming to shift the shift into the next wave. The intention of this next wave is to clear the debris from your viewfinder. We will not say how this wave will appear for we do not wish to instill any further sense of fear, and these things tend to be easier to deal with in reality than in thought, though you may perceive it to be the quite the opposite. Know that this wave will be quite powerful, even more so than you think you can handle, but we are here to tell you you are resilient and strong and brave in your heart and spirit and mind, and you can handle anything. There will be a deep sense of grief for what is washing away and this is very natural so allow this process. There is always a moment between the old leaving and the new coming. Please keep this in mind when you find yourselves in that window of time. Bless what is leaving for how it served you, and welcome the space for what is new to be ushered in. It won’t take too long. This we can promise you. Trust your heart. Trust yourselves. For now, that is enough. We love you so very dearly. Namaste our brave warriors of light in this new time and space.

Shifting, In Step, With Gaia

Dear one,
Good morning! It is so nice to be with you here! We are so awed by the work you continue to do in your hearts, to open all doors and clear all pathways of connection to your greater (vaster) selves. There is so much beyond the sliver of this human experience, but dear ones this experience right now is definitely the focus of your soul’s existence. The earth is center stage in the galactic universe right now. She is a blue jewel 💎 who has been in shadow for quite some time, and to see her shifting/rotating more and more fully into the central sun and her own natural planetary alignment is just glorious to behold, and you are right along side of that. You are that with her. When the earth is in shadow and darkness, so are you dear ones because you cannot possibly be separate from her, she is you. You have this notion that you live on earth and go about your business, but now that you have the time and perspective, really think about that. What could you possibly do that is actually separate? No water, you transition off the planet, no food (all born of the planet), you transition off the planet, disease caused by misalignment and disharmony within your cellular structure, you transition off the planet. You see, you being in step with the planet gives you the keys to the experience of flourishing on the planet. Most other species do not have the option to be out of step. This is not on their radar. You as humans are different. You “choose”, but many of your choices are not your own. They are ingrained. We feel many of you, given the choice, very much like the way it feels to be in step with the planet and the natural world around you, and this time out is providing a short glimpse into what that potential could look like. Each choice you make in your own personal lives will either put you in alignment with your earth mother or take you out. This may take practice and some larger institutions will need to shift, as you are beginning to see, but this will happen with each other’s cooperation and participation, and as things become more normal to want to align with the planet, it will get easier and easier. New processes will emerge. If you want to be here at this most auspicious time (you may think we are crazy for saying that but you will see) then you must be in sync to stay grounded here, and not choose to transition away. There is no death. We must reiterate that. Energy never dies. You transition, you transform, you morph. Much is morphing now, in body in each moment. You are not in control, but you are in the co-pilot seat. How can you harmoniously work with your partner, your mother planet, to guide each other to the outcome that can hold the most light and blessings for all? We love you so very much. Namaste.

Ps…I am including the original message that I created this art for, from May 19th 2017. I’ve noticed whenever I’m guided to use a piece of art I’ve used before, that the messages go together, even if they are years apart. Perfect! Time is so not linear! Peace be with you in this time. There is a word we have for this, compassion. Under the guise of a darkening sky, you open your umbrella and lean on. The wind picks up: the storm is brewing. But just then when you sense an impending downpour, the sun breaks through and the clouds clear: you did not see this coming. You wait. You peek around. And now it’s a beautiful evening with a gorgeous sunset. The sky is pink with wonder. You do not know everything, for everything is up to you and it is always changing and a new and different outcome is always possible. Somewhere inside of you, you knew this to be true, but rarely saw it in action. Get used to this dear ones: the uncommon is about to become the new normal! Hold on to your hats and taste the rainbow! 🌈🌈🌈

The Great Change

Dear one, ah welcome and thank you for joining us this morning in this sacred space of connectedness and togetherness. Don’t worry; the tap will never run dry. We are always here; whenever you call on us, whenever you think of us. We are a part of you, we are you, we are all connected in the greater whole so have no fear that one day you will call upon us and we will be gone. Impossible. Nothing is ever gone! All is external. All simply transforms. Much as humanity is doing right now. This is the biggest (that word is not sufficient to capture the breadth of the human transformation right now) change humanity has EVER seen. Now imagine you have been on this planet for as long as the planet has been alive (and some of you have, you have) maybe not in human form, but in some form or another. You have been transforming and transmuting and transmitting this entire time. You have grown and changed with the planet, of which you are connected and can never be not connected to, do you see? So as she has morphed you have morphed, and as you have morphed, she has morphed. In tandem, you dance your changes together. Your beloved special beautiful earth is going through the biggest transformation of her life. She is becoming a star! She is in the early stages of this ultimate change but she is holding so much more light, and so much is being released. As for you, though many of you know you are interconnected to the planet in theory but generally forget, and there are many who cannot see the thread from mother to child; as she changes you change. You are holding more light. As with the concept of dispersion, the more light that comes in, room must be made for the denser energy to be burned off and released. The world has a fever. The people of the world are sickening with a virus which is transmuting their cellular make up and their lung capacity. The earth is on fire. She is the warmest she has ever been. Her breath has been restricted by the air quality of late. You are both resting. You are both releasing. This is the next phase. See your integration as being hand in hand with your great mother. She is not dying, she is transforming! You are not dying, you are transforming. Some (most) will choose to remain in their physical bodies for this transformation and some will choose to return to the other side for a rest and return in a new vessel of a body. This is all a choice that has been made on a soul level on another plane. Transmute your fear as much as you can. See the beauty of what is changing and trust that this is part of the process of your evolution. We know this is not easy. Holding this much light this quickly is certainly no easy feat, but you can do it, because you are already doing it. You did this. You’re the one making these changes. You will understand this more later. It is hard to see now through the fog of sudden change and confusion, sadness and fear. Steel yourselves and know your power. You are infinite beings of light. You are working together with all of the forces around you to collectively elevate human consciousness on the planet from that of the caterpillar to that of the butterfly. You almost will not recognize yourselves when this phase has completed. We love you so very dearly. We are here for you always so please call on us and listen to that still voice within. We are here. We are here. We are here. And we are never leaving you. All of our love in this trying and wonderful times. Namaste.

Dive Deeper

Dear ones, a little evening message to send you off to sleep, where you will rest your body, which has been navigating quite a mine field of emotion and doing a great job! (Even though you may not always feel that way, you are!) And in your dream state you will release and download more light that can be accessed from more of a subconscious state. It is ALOT! But you asked for this experience a long long long time ago. You didn’t know how it would appear (spread) in your world but you were ready for the experience of this transformation, and now here it is, so know you are moving through it. Yes the only way out is through, and that means internally as well; especially! You must go through yourself to find yourself on the other side. The surface of you, the water at the top of your well is your light and shadow shimmering in a dance together, but beneath that water of your surface qualities 8/ is vast vast ocean of depth, wisdom, knowledge and experience. Just because you do not remember does not mean it is not down there waiting for you to rediscover your ancient knowledge, just below the surface. Do not be distracted by the reflection of what is on top. Go deeper. Go deeper. Go deeper. What will you find there? Allow yourself the chance to look and explore. You have the time. Now you must disconnect enough externally to dive down into the depth of delve (self). We believe in you. Keep diving! Namaste. This too shall pass, and you will be all the more wiser and richer in self from this experience. We love you all so very much.

What Time Is It?

Dear ones, Ah there you are, good morning! Have you been feeling like your head is in the sand? Overwhelmed with new information every time you pop up for air? Yes this appears to be the look of things for a little while. And so it goes. And so it went. You see what you’re experiencing in your present is actually already in your past. Bear with us here. Time is non-linear. You experience it in a linear fashion to make living the human experience more coherent, and it functions well (sort of) with the current structures you live within, and under (and under the rubble of- which you may be feeling hard to climb out of.) It is no coincidence that this virus has many grasping for air. The throat Chakra has been blocked and disassociated for many on an individual level but most certainly on a global level. The voice of your soul is often not heard, not by your conscious human body and even your human body feels it’s voice is barely heard above the global clamor. But we digress. That is for another time (“time”) but you see what we did there, because all is part of the infinite whole. So back to time. How many of you have asked the question this week, “what day is it today?” You see when you are cut off from your need for time, it is useless and you see it is arbitrary. So when we tell you you are living in your past, this is a good thing! You are here to work through this moment together, those physically distant (again, had you told someone a few hundred years ago that the world would work together while separated they wouldn’t have understood how this was possible). Space, much like time, is a construct. You are everywhere you put your energy. Now in the “future” you will get to experience the beauty of why you chose to be here now. This is the birth dear ones. This is the labor. No one said this part would be easy. The contractions will come in waves and we hate to tell you, but you are just getting started. And this will be a natural delivery if you choose to not numb yourselves from the experience. The choice is always yours. What techniques will help you get through this birth, and give you tools you will be able to use in your new future? May we suggest lots of focused breathing, to take your mind off of the pain of this and focus it inward to your heart, to what you are giving birth to. If death precedes birth, what are you releasing? What would you like to see released from the world? You may not feel you have much control, much of a voice (again we return to the blockages in the throat and lungs) as you hold your breath through this, but we ask you to please remember to breathe and to focus on your heart, and that your vision for your “future”, essentially your new NOW, is very powerful. Do not discount your imagination of the world you’d like to live in, and the self you’d like to feel connected to. Both are vast and beautiful and start within. Remember that the physical experience is a projection of your vision. It starts with the drawing board, individually and collectively, which of course are one in the same. Do not worry about not having control or power over what you see in the world. Focus on you and breathe, and the rest will come together. We love your beautiful gracious hearts and spirits. We will tell you when it’s time to push. Namaste. 🙏

You and You Time

Dear ones welcome to the morning after the morning after the morning after and so on. Your days may go on like this for a while. Each 24 hour period a time where you find yourself, lose yourself, find your community, briefly (hopefully) lose your mind and return to center, then sleep, covid (vivid) dreams and then awaken to do it all over again. It’s much like groundhogs day. It’s much like living your whole life in one day (which you always are anyway) so get intimate with your time. Get intimate with yourself and those around you, if there are any, but the message here is, do not wait for tomorrow to come to solve today’s problems. Tomorrow is here already, it is called today and it is now. You will have lots of chances to practice how to sculpt your days in the ways that allow you to bring the most joy to yourselves. The news will continue to shift in ways I’m sure you can already predict. Spend as much time as you need in that space with healthy boundaries and return to yourself. Soothe yourselves! Love yourselves! And as good as your intentions are to finish long put off projects and learn languages and instruments and so on and so on, which is wonderful and noble and we love to see you exercise your creative spirit, you will win no medals for how much you “achieve” in your down time. The diamond in the mine is your own inner peace and joy. That is all that is asked of you, to allow space for your consciousness to occupy more of your conscious mind. You are made of consciousness. You are made of light. The light on the planet is increasing. How in tune you are with yourself, your body and your planet is something that becomes stronger with practice, the practice of being with you and taking time to go inward. You are always you, you are the grandest expression of yourself, your “higher self”, the rise of your soul ever expanding and ever blooming, reaching towards the sun. The only thing that blocks the connection are the barriers you have constructed within yourself. These are things that you think you need/should do/self judgement/comparisons/the opinions of the wider world, and all of those things have just gone out of the window. This time is about you being with you, to allow yourself to hear the frequency of your soul at the loudest decibel. Again this will take practice and time, and many of you are at different stages of this process and that is not only ok, but it is by design so that you can help each other at different points. Again we stress, do not judge those at different levels of awakening consciousness than you. All chose to be on earth now to fulfill a specific role for the greater good of the grand awakening, which you are beginning to now see with your own eyes. Let this time unfold with as little judgement to yourselves and others. All will come out of this time with a different perspective. Be kind to yourselves and hold space in love and kindness, peace and the light and joy of your beautiful beautiful heart dear old soul. We love you so very much, and we love everything you do (because it is all growth and that is what you came to earth to experience!) Namaste.

Shake Off the Dust

Dear one. Whoooaaaa. Whoooosh. Let’s clear it out. The door was left open and all of the debris from the storm blew in. The energy it took to close the door against the gale force winds almost flattened you. We said these would be trying times, and in the abstract you felt most prepared to handle them. And in reality you are prepared, but you must remember your training. You are a social warrior of light. It is time to stand firmly in who you know yourself to be and let no wind blow you over. This wind taps into the fear of the winds of winds past. The ones that wore you down. The ones that broke you. But guess what dear one, they broke you to bring you to this now moment. Because you healed again and again and again. And you got up again and again and again. You’re light a prize fighter for love. There is no TKO for you and there never will be. Sometimes a storm with gale force winds is needed to blow across the planet. Do you remember the story of the three little pigs? It was not the Wolf that was the threat, although the wolf was a fear and capable of great damage to those pigs, but it was the way the pigs prepared for his eventual arrival, and ultimately we think the way they did that in isolation. Maybe three pig heads working together would’ve been better than one. You have long lived as humans in separation, relying on yourselves to sustain your lives, but that was never the truth. All has always been interconnected since the dawn of time, and all of this serves to shine a light on where your separation has cut you off from assisting each other. You will find your way back to that place. We are sorry if this feels so difficult. This too shall pass. And then another wave and then another. Remember your strength. Remember there is NOTHING that can knock you out, because you are beautiful shining creatures of light. Time to blow off the dust and see how magnificent you really are, have always been, and what you are capable of creating for yourselves and others. This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass. We love you with all of the light of our beings. Namaste.

Happy New Year! (The Door is Open)

Dear one, ahhhh. There you are. Welcome. We say this not to admonish you, but we feel you reaching for us and yet you have not connected in this way. There is much happening and this is the quiz of connecting to the parts of you that are within, your deep deep ocean of peace that flows silently in the dimension between your cells and your infinity. You are a goddess, a god of wonder. You are a supernova shooting across the sky. You are the mighty soaring eagle and yet you do not allow your self to fully ingest the feeling of your hard won and new found freedom. We say new found because it has always been there. We say hard won because it has always been kept back from you, just enough. The cage door is open yet the bird is nervous to fly out. Why would the bird deny its nature? Because of conditioning. You must be patient with yourselves and allow the new freedom to feel ok on your wings, on your body. It is your muscle memory that remembers the entrapment. This will take time to release, but what you can do as a supportive partner for your body, who has some trust issues, is to be steadfast and reassuring. Feed your body water from the inner ocean of your peace. Hold your body and send it love. This includes your ego, who is the spokesperson for your body. Rest assured all WANT to enjoy the freedom, they simply must learn to trust. The same goes for your relationship to money and currency. Allow yourself the feelings of love and trust, as opposed to fear and disdain. That which you love, loves you. We love you. On this newest of New Years, in this new decade of a brand new beginning, we say namaste. Peace. We love you. Shalom. Salam. Blessings to you.

Mountain Climbing

Dear one, we know how you are feeling. A bit unsure on this Rocky ascent to the peak. Some rocks feel loose. This reminds you of somewhere you’ve been before and the remembrance of falling. The only way to climb a mountain is to practice climbing a mountain. It may look the same as before but are you the same as before? You are the variable. You are the change. If something doesn’t feel right, take a break. Wait. Pause. Breathe. Know that the mountain is taking its time and will always wait for you. Namaste on this day of galactic Change.

Holding Magnetic Resonance

Dear one good morning. We’d like to talk today about magnetic resonance. This is a topic we’ve touched on before but we’d like to take it one step further. When the protons and electrons within the atomic field vibrate at a certain frequency, they cause a specific alignment of energetic force. When in harmony, this creates a resonance portal, in which all matter of creation can be achieved. The difficulty with human beings has been to build and hold the frequency long enough for the energetic resonance field to exist, and while the field is open to then simultaneously hold the space and express desire within that space. A bit like holding something with two hands and trying to also juggle in the middle of it! The reason this is tricky is because you are viewing the creation aspect from a third dimension perspective. What you perceive is that you do not have enough hands to hold the doors open and also carry the box through. For you it creates a physical obstacle. What is actually needed is for you to look at the problem of creation in a completely new way. Your lack of arms is not the issue. The box could actually float through and the doors could all stay open through your harmonic vibratory resonance, but this is something you must learn. The entire universe is held together through frequency and balanced vibration of positive and negative charges. This holds the field. The doors and the box follow the same laws of physics as the planets and the sun, the entirety of the universe, both internally and externally. Your own inner universe follows the same laws as the external space of space! So the vibration you hold within and learn to master, not only creating but also holding, is what will allow your external world of your dreams to come into creation. And while you are holding that vibration, again this is done through pure intention and love, not force (you cannot force this as you don’t have enough arms and the arms wouldn’t be able to hold it anyway.) This is a space you hold with the resonance of your heart, your inner column of light that runs from above and below and your sacral and solar chakras. All are threaded to create the vortex of your designed desire, and when you truly feel and hold that frequency you may intend anything you wish into that space and watch it resonate into your physical existence. So in one sense this is easy and not meant to be difficult, but in quite another sense the difficulty lies in the changing of perception of how this is achieved. This requires clear focus, a loving open heart and mind free of judgement and full of trust, and above all patience for yourself. Do not give up simply because you do not see straight away. Keep holding. Allow the vision to come into focus. Keep holding the portal open in love and desire. This is all for now. There shall be more on this another time. We don’t want to overwhelm you. Stay clear, keep it simple, be here now. We love you and are just as excited as you are to see your new creations vibrate into being! Namaste.