In It Together

Dear one, thank you for being here with us this morning. It is so nice to have your energy with our energy each morning. It’s like having a cup of coffee at the kitchen table with your best friend 🙂 we love you so very much. The world is freaking out and in a big tizzy! Everyone is feeling some level of caution, fear and anxiety. When these emotions are heightened in a global scale, a strange thing happens which is that it brings everyone together. Now whether you are brought together by fear or by love, you are most certainly together now. You’re sitting around that table having that coffee with your family or your best friend. All manners of global conflict have had this effect. Even wars, most especially wars, serve ultimately to bring people closer, much like a terrible fight with your partner or friend. The heightened emotions make you feel something extra-ordinary and on a human level what you are aiming to achieve is to feel yourself alive. Now the tools you have to provoke these feelings are rudimentary and outdated. Much like a toddler causing a ruckus to gain his parents attention. What the child is craving is love and affection. He does not know how to ask for it. He does know even consciously know that is what he seeks. But he knows enough to know certain actions will bring his parents attention in his direction, and he cannot and does not know how to choose in what form those attentions come, so he takes anger. Even still in some form it get the job done. The world is much like this. In your souls you all want so much to be connected in love. Some of you are more conscious of this than others and this is simply developmental so please do not judge those you feel incapable of displaying their loving selves. They are much the same as you but they are not where you are yet. You must be patience (patient). You must all catch up to do this together although some of you, especially if you are reading this, are the wayshowers of love and how to show love to each other. Think back a few years. You may have felt the way you see others feel. Craving something more, afraid to open your hearts for fear of being hurt again. And yet you found your inner strength and courage to be the loving soul that you feel you are, and as difficult as it has been and as challenging in this modern world, you find ways day by day to shine your light to others. It took time for you to reach this point, so please allow patience with others. They may actually get there faster because the love quotient increases exponentially, so that what took you years may take them months or weeks or even days! You wish it had been that way for you! But for you this gradual process was needed to allow this shift to gently occur for you and also those around you. Because you paved the way, they are able to Salk (walk) the road faster. Ah you see what we slipped in there? 😉 yes, the virus is stirring fear. It is also bringing you together. In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live. This is a marriage of all souls on earth to each other and to the creator, which is you. You are the I AM. The masks of separation are part of the show. Take the nurses (birds) eye view as often as you can and know that each thing that occurs, and this is one of many to come, is in aim to bring you closer together in love. You sill find your way, together. We love you so truly, deeply and very very much. Hang in there and hang onto your hats, so you don’t catch “cold” (a closed heart). Stay warm dear ones and keep the home fires burning! We love you! Namaste.
Note- the words that slipped into this message as “typos”: Patient, Salk, Nurses 🙂

Breathing In The Always Now

Painting by Hilma af Klint

Dear one we are so pleased to sit with you in the space, even if just for a moment or even if for a longer while. When our energies come together we create a new window into a different reality, and this is a facet of your concept of multidimensionality. We say “your concept” because from where we sit all is one and there is no one dimension separate from another, much like time. An hour, a minute, a day, ten thousand years, all exist within the sphere of now and all affect the now. So you see the dimension you exist in, when it is full of peace and harmony is the same as the one in the larger world that may be full of turmoil and pain. Is your peace futile or useless? Does a match in a dark room cast no light? Though you may feel small in the sense of the turmoil of the larger world, know that the peace love and joy you find and radiate in your heart vibrates across all time, all space, all dimensions of the now, the past, the future and the forevermore. Do you see how powerful that is? How powerful you are? Never discount that when you choose love and peace over fear and anger that you are creating a balance in the larger world that is much needed. Again this is not a judgement of any emotion or any state of being that anyone exists in, but think about those in fear, are they not simply reverberating a vibration, a feeling, that has been passed to them and ingrained in them, whether by parents or society or residual trauma? Does anyone want to live in that feeling? If given a choice of peace or fear which would most humans choose? You see your hearts want so much for you to embody the full potential of peace and love available to you, and so familiar from the other side, your larger home. You long for this, and this longing creates a void that you aim to fill, for the emptiness feels so vast, and the way you have learned to fill that is externally, and currently and for a long time, the external environment would rush in but not fill the feeling, because it was simply a mirror of that void, so in essence by seeking to externally fill the void you did so with more void. We hope this makes sense. Do you know where you can begin to access the feeling of home and plug the hole of loss you feel as a human? Within your own heart and body. It is all within you and has always been. It came with you when you arrived here and it will never leave you. We ask that you please allow yourselves the space, patience and time to sit with yourselves in peace and quiet and fill yourselves up with the love within. It may take a little practice to connect (much like a dial up internet!) but the more often you visit this space the more often and quickly you will feel this beautiful vibration of love from within, from home, and we know that by doing this you will reverberate this out, and attract more of this, so that actually NOW your external world will begin to fill you up with that feeling, but it’s because you’re bringing home closer to you. Do you see? It is always within you. And if the world is feeling heavy and your days are weighed down, we know it sounds so simple and it’s so easy to resist, but we implore you to take 5-10 minutes. Close your eyes, breathe deeply at least 3 times to start and feel your heart. Nothing more. This life is not meant to be difficult, it is meant to bring you as close to home as you can achieve while bearing the weight of a human suit. It makes you stronger and wiser and more full of love, if you let it. If you can flow with it like the water. You have so much power, strength and grace. You are full of love, light and joy. You are limitless and infinite in all ways. You are the eternal I AM presence in form. You are beautiful to behold. All of our love in these twisting times. Please remember to breathe! Namaste.

Light Bringer

Dear one, good morning, let’s get to it. You are here to anchor in the new energies flooding the planet and diffuse them into your environment through your body mind and soul, through your words and images most of all. The information carried on the light is very strong, let’s just say it’s in concentrate as it’s had to travel a far distance and it was important to pack the most information into the smallest beam of light, so as the light hits the planet it can be very intense for many who cannot digest the light in such form. Some are equipped as they have built a tolerance. You are one of those. You are a light dispenser. So how does this work? Simply by you being you, and continuing to delve into your inner realms and understand more and more about your grander self and the unified cosmic realm, you are able to ingest the light, hold it and release it simply by walking and talking and being. If you are consciously activating with the light, you are releasing beautiful words and images painted with the light, much like a medium, it is a technique. For it is not the words you say, but when the words or simply the intention are bathed in this light, you feel the resonance surround you and magic happens. This is how you manifest. Being in the light and allowing it to flow. It cannot be held back. You chose this work long long and and now you are in full swing. Allow the path to unfold as it will and simply walk and carry your light. The magical rest will follow you. More to come, but for now we knight you and ignite you in your light! Namaste 💡 💡💡

Up and Atom

Dear one it is I, Uriel. As you know I am always (emphasis on always) with you. The challenges you face in your daily life, though waning now and waxing at other times, much like the moon, represent the cycles of growth within your humanity. Every creation you manifest, you choose, is yours to embody the lessons you chose to learn. Think of them as electorate classes whereby you are designing your own degree. This is not to say you do not crave direction and guidance at this stage, but you no longer need to be “taught” per se, as the choices you make are allowing you to choose for yourself what aspects you’d like to learn. Much as you can only glean so much knowledge from an internet search, as say compared to living an experience versus googling it, you choose the depth of your own learning and this is an ongoing process. Do not spend too much time in the etheric philosophical now, spend as much as you can in the embodiment of the physical, because you are one with the earth and you grow, you ascend, in kind, in tandem. Your earth is not googling how to be a planet. She was a planet, a living being of creation long before she was able to become self referential, as were you. You did not google “how to walk” or “how to talk” you simply did those things. The same is true of your new incoming powers, which have always existed in your body on the other side of the template and are only now again able to be brought into the physical, as you have opened the gateways in your minds eye, yes much like the ancient eye of Horus and all such other embodiment tricks and techniques discovered accidentally or through trances by your ancients, much like your reiki. Ah the ancient way of googling! And now here you are on the other side of the precipice of the greatest change you will ever know, for this is the peak of the wave and you will see why later, that this was the high water mark, as the damn broke on the energetic change, and did Noah google how to build an ark? Ah how he wishes he could have! You trust yourself, your body and your heart mind and soul, to allow, and to bring it what you need. Doors open. Waters rising. We sail. We preserve. (Persevere) We ride the wave always and forever, for we are eternal, infinite beings of light. With all of my love for you on this day, day ten of the change you seek, peace in your homes and in your hearts. Uriel. Amazes (namaste)

Happy New Year! (The Door is Open)

Dear one, ahhhh. There you are. Welcome. We say this not to admonish you, but we feel you reaching for us and yet you have not connected in this way. There is much happening and this is the quiz of connecting to the parts of you that are within, your deep deep ocean of peace that flows silently in the dimension between your cells and your infinity. You are a goddess, a god of wonder. You are a supernova shooting across the sky. You are the mighty soaring eagle and yet you do not allow your self to fully ingest the feeling of your hard won and new found freedom. We say new found because it has always been there. We say hard won because it has always been kept back from you, just enough. The cage door is open yet the bird is nervous to fly out. Why would the bird deny its nature? Because of conditioning. You must be patient with yourselves and allow the new freedom to feel ok on your wings, on your body. It is your muscle memory that remembers the entrapment. This will take time to release, but what you can do as a supportive partner for your body, who has some trust issues, is to be steadfast and reassuring. Feed your body water from the inner ocean of your peace. Hold your body and send it love. This includes your ego, who is the spokesperson for your body. Rest assured all WANT to enjoy the freedom, they simply must learn to trust. The same goes for your relationship to money and currency. Allow yourself the feelings of love and trust, as opposed to fear and disdain. That which you love, loves you. We love you. On this newest of New Years, in this new decade of a brand new beginning, we say namaste. Peace. We love you. Shalom. Salam. Blessings to you.

Take a Moment

Dear ones, good morning. We’d like to do a visualization exercise with you. Close your eyes. Imagine a very green field, full of flowers and wind blowing through the trees. The air is warm. You feel at peace all throughout your being. The setting is peaceful and you feel balanced and calm. There is nothing to do and nowhere to rush to, nothing to accomplish. Sit with this feeling. Breathe into it, and release the breath into the air, which receives your breath and passes it to the trees and flowers. This is symbiosis at its finest. This is the design of your planet. The full and equal balance of giving and receiving. You are divine beings of light. You are blessed and you are blessings. There is an action in your peaceful being. This is everything. Feel this feeling. You have just aligned your vibration to that of the planet at its truest essence. This is a place, a plane of reality that you can come back to again and again. Through picturing this even for a few moments you have restored so much peace to your own inner planet. Many many living beings live within you. When you raise your vibration and find a space of peace, that reverberated through all of the nations of your internal world. So though you may feel this to be a silly exercise in imagination and that your problems are too big to be glossed over with a simple visualization, remember that you are doing a great service both within and without. This may seem too simple to be effective. Simplicity is everything. We need not overcomplicate. The most profound adjustments happen with a simple shift of approach. Breathe in. Breathe out. As you go through your day, you can and should return to this peaceful place if you feel your vibration being pulled down, if you feel anxious, if your thoughts are fearful. The world is going through change. Many layers are existing and playing out on top of each other. Hold your space. You are so much more powerful than you could even imagine. You are beings of light playing with shadows. Be here now. We love you so dearly. Namaste.

Sit. Breathe.

Dear one, ah good morning. Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out. There is no rush. We release. We repeat there is no rush. Do you notice that your underlying franatacism comes from feeling like you should already be somewhere. Like you are late for something. What could you possibly be late for in a life you are the designer of? The clock is your clock! Do you need a clock? Throw it out the window! Then you can really watch time fly!! Ah we joke but seriously. There is no reason to hurry. What happens when you hurry? You trip. You injure yourself. You miss something. Know that all of the peace and serenity you seek is in the going slow. The going within. The connecting. Notice how the distraction from the meditative space is always the nagging sense that you should be doing something else, you should be somewhere else. The irony which you know in your heart but are unlearning in your head is that the feeling you are constantly seeking; the peaceful connectedness to love within and without, must begin within so by stopping the inner dives prematurely to attend to that outer nagging, you actually miss the thing you are trying to find in the first place! A bit like looking for your glasses while you are already wearing them. You cannot see them because you are already using them to see. Stop searching. Stop pushing. Stop forcing. Sit. Breath. Sit. Breath. Sit. Breath. We feel the anxiety that sentence causes! You feel that you cannot sit and breathe. There is too much to do! Too many obligations. Too many people you are responsible to, and so on and so on. And we say, yes you can. Sit. Breathe. Sit. Breathe. In this space, if you give it your time, it will give you what you seek. We make that promise to you. All that you seek to do externally will be easily fulfilled through the peaceful aligned inner vibration. And this leads to trust. Trust this. Nature takes its time. It doesn’t rush. You are of nature. The only difference is the alignment of your vibration. Again we say sit and breathe. Mimic the mountain. Mimic the tree. They are accomplishing so much every day. They could hold a TED talk on the subject, but they have no need for that, for anything outside to advise them because they are aligned within and without, as you can be too. You are molded in the same clay from the same earth. Sit. Breathe. Namaste. So much light to you in these light flooded times!

No Such Thing As Backwards

Dear one, there will continue to be challenging days, and the challenges now are a bit different. Before you were so mired in your creations and the havoc they were wreaking, the emotion they wrought, the smallness and powerlessness you felt, that that was the order of the day. Everyday was a compilation of years and years of that, treading the same grooves in different names to achieve the world’s version of success. And American success at that. So vague, so external, so fleeting and so wrought with dependency on external validation. Yet this was the standard. This was the high water mark, the red line at the top of the chart. So you had an aim and everything that fell “short” of that, whether in your eyes or others or both, was seen as having not reached the top, which was of course an impossible task because there really never was a top and you could never really reach it. Ok, so you realize all of this, and it’s been a slow readjustment phase of recalibrating your aims; who they are for and what they mean to you, and releasing the filters on what you can do because it must be ok with everyone else, society, etc; the anonymous or external “They”. And now what? You see so much more clearly. Your aim is love in its purest form, to open your hearts and be kind to yourselves. To walk this path no matter how challenging and counter intuitive it feels at first to what you’ve always known to be true, yet this resonates so much more. So you walk and walk (and that walk is internal and you don’t actually go anywhere at all, it is all an inward journey) yet there are no markers. It seems all of the signposts are for the other way of doing things. No one can help you. You are truly walking this path alone. You encounter others on your walk who share your vision but they are not always going the same direction and if so, not for long, because now the directions are not just linear but quantum and time is spiraled and things come and go, appear and disappear just as quickly. Your heart is your marker. It will show you the way. Community is wonderful. You do not need to be a hermit. But no one, and we mean no one, can tell you which way to go anymore. Their way is their way and your way is yours. Trust your inner compass. And the more you look to it for guidance the stronger and brighter it becomes. And please do not worry about “set backs” or old triggers. Things are releasing in ways you cannot understand. Trust that all growth accumulates and you cannot move (love) “backwards” even if you tried. You are a vessel of love and that channel for loves grows stronger as you do. We love you so much. The disconnect now between old and new is challenging. We see this. Trust your heart to be the bridge that carries you across unknown waters. With all of our love on this emotional day. 911. Namaste.

Shine Your Light

Dear one so wonderful to talk with you! Good morning! What should we talk about this morning? Are you feeling connected to yourselves? So many pieces of you now vying for attention, but ultimately working to link together as one who asks (one whole self.) As your “higher self”, the soul essence of you in all of your vast light, inhabits this incarnation of you fully from head to toe, and all of the humanness of you pulling down into the depths of your grounded connection to your planet Gaia, merges with the soul in all of its vastness. A glass of water is no different from an entire body of water. It is a portion of the perfect structure in a smaller quantity but no less of quality. You in body are that glass of water to the ocean of your soul. You are not a fragment, you are whole in every sense of the word. Now, at this juncture at this precipice of this grand evolutionary redesign, some of you have “crossed the bridge” vibrationally as it were while many others are in varying stages. The issue with this is two-fold. You doubt your own place on the other side of the bridge while many and your external world works to awaken and lighten its vibration (whether consciously or unconsciously) so do you stay on your side of the bridge away from the chaos and melee of the “old world” energy? How do you engage without losing yourselves? This can be tricky at first and simply takes practice. What is most needed is your light and your vibration to remain high, so that others can see it. You need not physically do anything here, unless you are called to do so by your internal compass. All are here for different roles. Some are boots on the ground and if that is you, you are most likely already working or beginning to work in that capacity. Others are holding energy for the planet and larger light encodements to continue to allow the new framework to be structured. This works is vast and has many different roles, and is not as readily seen with the third dimensional eyes. Now we ask you to continue to be patient, to be love and to trust that you know what you are doing. Above all do not hide your light. Those who need it will see it. Do not be afraid to show it. What feels good for you is good for you. Listen to what resonates and find what matches your vibration. This will allow your light to amplify which will have a tremendous ripple effect. Remember that all that you see in your external world is a reflection of all of the choices and actions made to this point. If you wish to see something new, feel your new vibration and only make choices and actions that resonate with this, and we promise you will start to see the external world reflect that back, beginning with the epicenter of you and rippling outward to the world at large. Do not get frustrated at the slowness of progress. There is much at play here and it will increase as the vibration increases. Hold your own energetic space and send love within and without _¥ allow your lights to shine! Namaste dear ones and good days to you.

Fanning the Flame Within

Dear one we hold the space for you to hold the space for others, and especially yourself. An overflowing cup of abundant love and light. This May seems like something you have to “work” at but simply by checking in and holding your own spatial vibration and letting all of your colors shimmer, you are doing this automatically. Sometimes the strength of the light dims when you doubt and retreat but it can never go out. Every single person has this light within them, and the more air that meets it in breath, the brighter it shines. Think of a pilot light on a stove that never goes out, even when you’re not using it. This is every person. Every single person. Respect that the light in others is always there and they will use it in their own time. Your only “job” is to play with your own light and allow it to burn as brightly as possible. We love you so very very much. Namaste. Hang in there when things feel tough. We are always with you, fanning your flame.