A Meditation for Love

In a meditation last week I was showered with gifts from different light beings. The Pleiadians gave me a small globe of the earth, which they showed me could be incorporated into my meditations to send love and healing energy to each person around the world.

Today’s meditation led me to use this globe for the first time, by connecting into the earth’s energy and connecting to my heart, I envisioned sending love and peace to every living heart on this planet. For everyone in pain and fear and loss, and for everyone coming out of pain and fear and loss and embracing a new feeling of love and light, I sent a beam of light carrying the highest energy of love into all of their hearts. This felt so good. I called on the planet, the angels and ascended masters and my ancestors to stand with me and amplify this energy. It felt so beautiful. I have been now guided to share this simple meditation with you, if you’d like to try.

Close your eyes and imagine you are connected to the earth through a beautiful energetic cord of light which runs from the center of your body all the way down into the center of the earth. As the earth sends her energy back up through you, feel the lightness and beauty of that energy move up through your body and into your heart. Know that this cord runs both ways, so there is an equally long cord of light from above that runs down through the top of your head and connects into your heart, bringing in the lighter vibrations from the upper dimensions and your higher self. Now imagine the earth as a beautiful blue and green globe that you can easily hold in your hands. It is light and it feels so good to hold. Think of all of the people on the planet, each in their own place, their own situations their own lives, but yet all connected to each other by sharing the space on this globe, that you are holding in your hands. Envision the glowing light of your heart and see yourself sending that light to the heart of every person on the planet, who’s heart is so happy to receive this light from you, even if consciously they don’t know it, this is beautiful medicine for all. Stay here and beam this light from your heart for as long as you like, and when you are finished, feel the wave of peace that has washed over you and over the whole planet. The hearts thank you. The planet thanks you. Your own heart thanks you. Slowly open your eyes.

Feel free to do this as often as you like. It is so healing for so many. After I finished this meditation, I felt a pause, as a gift was being sent back to me, and a beautiful beam of new light was sent into my heart, as a thank you. It felt so loving, and I felt it activate the central sun inside of me, which then radiated so much light right back out.
We are in symbiosis with all living things. We may feel at this time that what is happening is so overwhelming, that we don’t know where to begin to offer our assistance or what to do. Simply being in your heart and knowing yours is connected to the all, does so much. This may seem like a simple meditation, but it is very very powerful, just like you are. I love you. Namaste.

The Great Change

Dear one, ah welcome and thank you for joining us this morning in this sacred space of connectedness and togetherness. Don’t worry; the tap will never run dry. We are always here; whenever you call on us, whenever you think of us. We are a part of you, we are you, we are all connected in the greater whole so have no fear that one day you will call upon us and we will be gone. Impossible. Nothing is ever gone! All is external. All simply transforms. Much as humanity is doing right now. This is the biggest (that word is not sufficient to capture the breadth of the human transformation right now) change humanity has EVER seen. Now imagine you have been on this planet for as long as the planet has been alive (and some of you have, you have) maybe not in human form, but in some form or another. You have been transforming and transmuting and transmitting this entire time. You have grown and changed with the planet, of which you are connected and can never be not connected to, do you see? So as she has morphed you have morphed, and as you have morphed, she has morphed. In tandem, you dance your changes together. Your beloved special beautiful earth is going through the biggest transformation of her life. She is becoming a star! She is in the early stages of this ultimate change but she is holding so much more light, and so much is being released. As for you, though many of you know you are interconnected to the planet in theory but generally forget, and there are many who cannot see the thread from mother to child; as she changes you change. You are holding more light. As with the concept of dispersion, the more light that comes in, room must be made for the denser energy to be burned off and released. The world has a fever. The people of the world are sickening with a virus which is transmuting their cellular make up and their lung capacity. The earth is on fire. She is the warmest she has ever been. Her breath has been restricted by the air quality of late. You are both resting. You are both releasing. This is the next phase. See your integration as being hand in hand with your great mother. She is not dying, she is transforming! You are not dying, you are transforming. Some (most) will choose to remain in their physical bodies for this transformation and some will choose to return to the other side for a rest and return in a new vessel of a body. This is all a choice that has been made on a soul level on another plane. Transmute your fear as much as you can. See the beauty of what is changing and trust that this is part of the process of your evolution. We know this is not easy. Holding this much light this quickly is certainly no easy feat, but you can do it, because you are already doing it. You did this. You’re the one making these changes. You will understand this more later. It is hard to see now through the fog of sudden change and confusion, sadness and fear. Steel yourselves and know your power. You are infinite beings of light. You are working together with all of the forces around you to collectively elevate human consciousness on the planet from that of the caterpillar to that of the butterfly. You almost will not recognize yourselves when this phase has completed. We love you so very dearly. We are here for you always so please call on us and listen to that still voice within. We are here. We are here. We are here. And we are never leaving you. All of our love in this trying and wonderful times. Namaste.

Dive Deeper

Dear ones, a little evening message to send you off to sleep, where you will rest your body, which has been navigating quite a mine field of emotion and doing a great job! (Even though you may not always feel that way, you are!) And in your dream state you will release and download more light that can be accessed from more of a subconscious state. It is ALOT! But you asked for this experience a long long long time ago. You didn’t know how it would appear (spread) in your world but you were ready for the experience of this transformation, and now here it is, so know you are moving through it. Yes the only way out is through, and that means internally as well; especially! You must go through yourself to find yourself on the other side. The surface of you, the water at the top of your well is your light and shadow shimmering in a dance together, but beneath that water of your surface qualities 8/ is vast vast ocean of depth, wisdom, knowledge and experience. Just because you do not remember does not mean it is not down there waiting for you to rediscover your ancient knowledge, just below the surface. Do not be distracted by the reflection of what is on top. Go deeper. Go deeper. Go deeper. What will you find there? Allow yourself the chance to look and explore. You have the time. Now you must disconnect enough externally to dive down into the depth of delve (self). We believe in you. Keep diving! Namaste. This too shall pass, and you will be all the more wiser and richer in self from this experience. We love you all so very much.

Light Bringer

Dear one, good morning, let’s get to it. You are here to anchor in the new energies flooding the planet and diffuse them into your environment through your body mind and soul, through your words and images most of all. The information carried on the light is very strong, let’s just say it’s in concentrate as it’s had to travel a far distance and it was important to pack the most information into the smallest beam of light, so as the light hits the planet it can be very intense for many who cannot digest the light in such form. Some are equipped as they have built a tolerance. You are one of those. You are a light dispenser. So how does this work? Simply by you being you, and continuing to delve into your inner realms and understand more and more about your grander self and the unified cosmic realm, you are able to ingest the light, hold it and release it simply by walking and talking and being. If you are consciously activating with the light, you are releasing beautiful words and images painted with the light, much like a medium, it is a technique. For it is not the words you say, but when the words or simply the intention are bathed in this light, you feel the resonance surround you and magic happens. This is how you manifest. Being in the light and allowing it to flow. It cannot be held back. You chose this work long long and and now you are in full swing. Allow the path to unfold as it will and simply walk and carry your light. The magical rest will follow you. More to come, but for now we knight you and ignite you in your light! Namaste 💡 💡💡

Happy New Year! (The Door is Open)

Dear one, ahhhh. There you are. Welcome. We say this not to admonish you, but we feel you reaching for us and yet you have not connected in this way. There is much happening and this is the quiz of connecting to the parts of you that are within, your deep deep ocean of peace that flows silently in the dimension between your cells and your infinity. You are a goddess, a god of wonder. You are a supernova shooting across the sky. You are the mighty soaring eagle and yet you do not allow your self to fully ingest the feeling of your hard won and new found freedom. We say new found because it has always been there. We say hard won because it has always been kept back from you, just enough. The cage door is open yet the bird is nervous to fly out. Why would the bird deny its nature? Because of conditioning. You must be patient with yourselves and allow the new freedom to feel ok on your wings, on your body. It is your muscle memory that remembers the entrapment. This will take time to release, but what you can do as a supportive partner for your body, who has some trust issues, is to be steadfast and reassuring. Feed your body water from the inner ocean of your peace. Hold your body and send it love. This includes your ego, who is the spokesperson for your body. Rest assured all WANT to enjoy the freedom, they simply must learn to trust. The same goes for your relationship to money and currency. Allow yourself the feelings of love and trust, as opposed to fear and disdain. That which you love, loves you. We love you. On this newest of New Years, in this new decade of a brand new beginning, we say namaste. Peace. We love you. Shalom. Salam. Blessings to you.

Holding Magnetic Resonance

Dear one good morning. We’d like to talk today about magnetic resonance. This is a topic we’ve touched on before but we’d like to take it one step further. When the protons and electrons within the atomic field vibrate at a certain frequency, they cause a specific alignment of energetic force. When in harmony, this creates a resonance portal, in which all matter of creation can be achieved. The difficulty with human beings has been to build and hold the frequency long enough for the energetic resonance field to exist, and while the field is open to then simultaneously hold the space and express desire within that space. A bit like holding something with two hands and trying to also juggle in the middle of it! The reason this is tricky is because you are viewing the creation aspect from a third dimension perspective. What you perceive is that you do not have enough hands to hold the doors open and also carry the box through. For you it creates a physical obstacle. What is actually needed is for you to look at the problem of creation in a completely new way. Your lack of arms is not the issue. The box could actually float through and the doors could all stay open through your harmonic vibratory resonance, but this is something you must learn. The entire universe is held together through frequency and balanced vibration of positive and negative charges. This holds the field. The doors and the box follow the same laws of physics as the planets and the sun, the entirety of the universe, both internally and externally. Your own inner universe follows the same laws as the external space of space! So the vibration you hold within and learn to master, not only creating but also holding, is what will allow your external world of your dreams to come into creation. And while you are holding that vibration, again this is done through pure intention and love, not force (you cannot force this as you don’t have enough arms and the arms wouldn’t be able to hold it anyway.) This is a space you hold with the resonance of your heart, your inner column of light that runs from above and below and your sacral and solar chakras. All are threaded to create the vortex of your designed desire, and when you truly feel and hold that frequency you may intend anything you wish into that space and watch it resonate into your physical existence. So in one sense this is easy and not meant to be difficult, but in quite another sense the difficulty lies in the changing of perception of how this is achieved. This requires clear focus, a loving open heart and mind free of judgement and full of trust, and above all patience for yourself. Do not give up simply because you do not see straight away. Keep holding. Allow the vision to come into focus. Keep holding the portal open in love and desire. This is all for now. There shall be more on this another time. We don’t want to overwhelm you. Stay clear, keep it simple, be here now. We love you and are just as excited as you are to see your new creations vibrate into being! Namaste.

No Such Thing As Backwards

Dear one, there will continue to be challenging days, and the challenges now are a bit different. Before you were so mired in your creations and the havoc they were wreaking, the emotion they wrought, the smallness and powerlessness you felt, that that was the order of the day. Everyday was a compilation of years and years of that, treading the same grooves in different names to achieve the world’s version of success. And American success at that. So vague, so external, so fleeting and so wrought with dependency on external validation. Yet this was the standard. This was the high water mark, the red line at the top of the chart. So you had an aim and everything that fell “short” of that, whether in your eyes or others or both, was seen as having not reached the top, which was of course an impossible task because there really never was a top and you could never really reach it. Ok, so you realize all of this, and it’s been a slow readjustment phase of recalibrating your aims; who they are for and what they mean to you, and releasing the filters on what you can do because it must be ok with everyone else, society, etc; the anonymous or external “They”. And now what? You see so much more clearly. Your aim is love in its purest form, to open your hearts and be kind to yourselves. To walk this path no matter how challenging and counter intuitive it feels at first to what you’ve always known to be true, yet this resonates so much more. So you walk and walk (and that walk is internal and you don’t actually go anywhere at all, it is all an inward journey) yet there are no markers. It seems all of the signposts are for the other way of doing things. No one can help you. You are truly walking this path alone. You encounter others on your walk who share your vision but they are not always going the same direction and if so, not for long, because now the directions are not just linear but quantum and time is spiraled and things come and go, appear and disappear just as quickly. Your heart is your marker. It will show you the way. Community is wonderful. You do not need to be a hermit. But no one, and we mean no one, can tell you which way to go anymore. Their way is their way and your way is yours. Trust your inner compass. And the more you look to it for guidance the stronger and brighter it becomes. And please do not worry about “set backs” or old triggers. Things are releasing in ways you cannot understand. Trust that all growth accumulates and you cannot move (love) “backwards” even if you tried. You are a vessel of love and that channel for loves grows stronger as you do. We love you so much. The disconnect now between old and new is challenging. We see this. Trust your heart to be the bridge that carries you across unknown waters. With all of our love on this emotional day. 911. Namaste.

Open the Door

Dear one ah there you are. Long exhale. Good morning! What a roller coaster of a week! Do not forget as you are trying to consciously be human and in the flow of the all that is, that you are working very hard on multiple levels of awareness. We see the amount of creator energy that is now consciously and unconsciously moving through your body. This is your treasure that you seek. For everything external, any financial abundance or increase in love in the world is all a reflection of this. First you must allow the door to your soul to open so that it may enter. The world within and without above and below is all a reflection on the amount of pure source energy (soul) that flows through your human body, so as we see this increasing we see everything else becoming brighter and lighter. Now please remember it always takes some lag time for the external to catch up to the internal. Have no worries and release old fears. We will catch you every time as you learn to practice trapezing. Soon you won’t need a net because there will be nothing to fall from. With that, we leave a little mystery and wonder. Blessings to you and all of your transformations. Namaste. Metatron and Michael.

Break On Through

Dear one, the light that you hold inside of yourself is beyond measure. We see you worry about third dimensional issues as you have been conditioned to do for millennia. We see you move beyond the fear and shine your light, only to be pulled back into a world of questions and doubt because so much of your external world is mired in this energy. How do you flower in a new soil (soul) when the acid rain of environmental toxicity rains down upon you? This may seem like a bleak thought but think about this for a moment. You have pushed through as new growth from new light and then you come to realize that everything around you physically is built of another older place, one not as nourishing. A shoot pushing through cement. But yet there is the light, coaching you on. And the new water that comes with the new rain, the primordial water that is transforming itself back to its original shape, if only for a moment, and if only to nurture you in that crack as you push push push towards the light. Everything in nature is conspiring to aid your growth. Though you may not always trust because you still feel some of the fears, the flinching feeling from the old slap, you are beyond change. You are firmly changed. And more and more will shift each day. But the hard part is over, believe it or not. You have broken through. And you are not alone. Look at all of the other green shoots in the cracks with you. This is not insignificant. This is the growth of a new forest and it is beautiful to behold. Nurture your light and find the light that matches yours, and the rest will follow. We love you beyond human understanding of the word love. We love you so very much. Keep shining dear ones. We are with you. Namaste.

Shine Your Light

Dear one so wonderful to talk with you! Good morning! What should we talk about this morning? Are you feeling connected to yourselves? So many pieces of you now vying for attention, but ultimately working to link together as one who asks (one whole self.) As your “higher self”, the soul essence of you in all of your vast light, inhabits this incarnation of you fully from head to toe, and all of the humanness of you pulling down into the depths of your grounded connection to your planet Gaia, merges with the soul in all of its vastness. A glass of water is no different from an entire body of water. It is a portion of the perfect structure in a smaller quantity but no less of quality. You in body are that glass of water to the ocean of your soul. You are not a fragment, you are whole in every sense of the word. Now, at this juncture at this precipice of this grand evolutionary redesign, some of you have “crossed the bridge” vibrationally as it were while many others are in varying stages. The issue with this is two-fold. You doubt your own place on the other side of the bridge while many and your external world works to awaken and lighten its vibration (whether consciously or unconsciously) so do you stay on your side of the bridge away from the chaos and melee of the “old world” energy? How do you engage without losing yourselves? This can be tricky at first and simply takes practice. What is most needed is your light and your vibration to remain high, so that others can see it. You need not physically do anything here, unless you are called to do so by your internal compass. All are here for different roles. Some are boots on the ground and if that is you, you are most likely already working or beginning to work in that capacity. Others are holding energy for the planet and larger light encodements to continue to allow the new framework to be structured. This works is vast and has many different roles, and is not as readily seen with the third dimensional eyes. Now we ask you to continue to be patient, to be love and to trust that you know what you are doing. Above all do not hide your light. Those who need it will see it. Do not be afraid to show it. What feels good for you is good for you. Listen to what resonates and find what matches your vibration. This will allow your light to amplify which will have a tremendous ripple effect. Remember that all that you see in your external world is a reflection of all of the choices and actions made to this point. If you wish to see something new, feel your new vibration and only make choices and actions that resonate with this, and we promise you will start to see the external world reflect that back, beginning with the epicenter of you and rippling outward to the world at large. Do not get frustrated at the slowness of progress. There is much at play here and it will increase as the vibration increases. Hold your own energetic space and send love within and without _¥ allow your lights to shine! Namaste dear ones and good days to you.