Break On Through

Dear one, the light that you hold inside of yourself is beyond measure. We see you worry about third dimensional issues as you have been conditioned to do for millennia. We see you move beyond the fear and shine your light, only to be pulled back into a world of questions and doubt because so much of your external world is mired in this energy. How do you flower in a new soil (soul) when the acid rain of environmental toxicity rains down upon you? This may seem like a bleak thought but think about this for a moment. You have pushed through as new growth from new light and then you come to realize that everything around you physically is built of another older place, one not as nourishing. A shoot pushing through cement. But yet there is the light, coaching you on. And the new water that comes with the new rain, the primordial water that is transforming itself back to its original shape, if only for a moment, and if only to nurture you in that crack as you push push push towards the light. Everything in nature is conspiring to aid your growth. Though you may not always trust because you still feel some of the fears, the flinching feeling from the old slap, you are beyond change. You are firmly changed. And more and more will shift each day. But the hard part is over, believe it or not. You have broken through. And you are not alone. Look at all of the other green shoots in the cracks with you. This is not insignificant. This is the growth of a new forest and it is beautiful to behold. Nurture your light and find the light that matches yours, and the rest will follow. We love you beyond human understanding of the word love. We love you so very much. Keep shining dear ones. We are with you. Namaste.

Shine Your Light

Dear one so wonderful to talk with you! Good morning! What should we talk about this morning? Are you feeling connected to yourselves? So many pieces of you now vying for attention, but ultimately working to link together as one who asks (one whole self.) As your “higher self”, the soul essence of you in all of your vast light, inhabits this incarnation of you fully from head to toe, and all of the humanness of you pulling down into the depths of your grounded connection to your planet Gaia, merges with the soul in all of its vastness. A glass of water is no different from an entire body of water. It is a portion of the perfect structure in a smaller quantity but no less of quality. You in body are that glass of water to the ocean of your soul. You are not a fragment, you are whole in every sense of the word. Now, at this juncture at this precipice of this grand evolutionary redesign, some of you have “crossed the bridge” vibrationally as it were while many others are in varying stages. The issue with this is two-fold. You doubt your own place on the other side of the bridge while many and your external world works to awaken and lighten its vibration (whether consciously or unconsciously) so do you stay on your side of the bridge away from the chaos and melee of the “old world” energy? How do you engage without losing yourselves? This can be tricky at first and simply takes practice. What is most needed is your light and your vibration to remain high, so that others can see it. You need not physically do anything here, unless you are called to do so by your internal compass. All are here for different roles. Some are boots on the ground and if that is you, you are most likely already working or beginning to work in that capacity. Others are holding energy for the planet and larger light encodements to continue to allow the new framework to be structured. This works is vast and has many different roles, and is not as readily seen with the third dimensional eyes. Now we ask you to continue to be patient, to be love and to trust that you know what you are doing. Above all do not hide your light. Those who need it will see it. Do not be afraid to show it. What feels good for you is good for you. Listen to what resonates and find what matches your vibration. This will allow your light to amplify which will have a tremendous ripple effect. Remember that all that you see in your external world is a reflection of all of the choices and actions made to this point. If you wish to see something new, feel your new vibration and only make choices and actions that resonate with this, and we promise you will start to see the external world reflect that back, beginning with the epicenter of you and rippling outward to the world at large. Do not get frustrated at the slowness of progress. There is much at play here and it will increase as the vibration increases. Hold your own energetic space and send love within and without _¥ allow your lights to shine! Namaste dear ones and good days to you.

Fanning the Flame Within

Dear one we hold the space for you to hold the space for others, and especially yourself. An overflowing cup of abundant love and light. This May seems like something you have to “work” at but simply by checking in and holding your own spatial vibration and letting all of your colors shimmer, you are doing this automatically. Sometimes the strength of the light dims when you doubt and retreat but it can never go out. Every single person has this light within them, and the more air that meets it in breath, the brighter it shines. Think of a pilot light on a stove that never goes out, even when you’re not using it. This is every person. Every single person. Respect that the light in others is always there and they will use it in their own time. Your only “job” is to play with your own light and allow it to burn as brightly as possible. We love you so very very much. Namaste. Hang in there when things feel tough. We are always with you, fanning your flame.

The Weight of Change

Hello dear ones. We’d like to revisit the 555 energies and the changes you are experiencing. Many are releasing from deep within their cellular memories. We have said time and time again that you are ascending and by that we simply mean allowing, releasing and rising in vibration. As you release the anchors of your experiences and your traumatic memories that have defined you, whether in this lifetime or another, whether consciously or unconsciously, whether your own experiences or that of your ancestors who’s stories live in your cellular memory, there is a lot to let go of and and lot that you pinned your self worth and value to that may be very very ancient and might not have ever been your own personal experience. A story is a story. We imagine ourselves in the images we hold and those we cannot let go of take up space for the lighter imaginings of a new version of our personal and collective reality. Are you who you would like to be to your fullest extent? Is the world you live in? The way to change that is to release the density of the old, even without a strong foothold in the new. You must trust and leap into your new selves. You must feel them calling to you and honor them. What are you waiting for? Change is here and it is not waiting for you to decide to join in. It is moving through the planet and you are moving with it. Do you go in trust and in the flow of the change or do you go kicking and screaming? Either way, you go, it is your choice how to best feel the experience. Also know that what awaits on the other side of the gap of what you know now and what is to come, is not something you would ever expect, in fact it is much much better. We can’t wait to see you here! Namaste

I am Here

Beloved we would like to talk to today about the state of energy that you find yourself presiding in. You are floating in between worlds. Anchoring one door to the new earth plane and one to the old. Your body is in the void of change between the moon and the solstice. There is a lot of spinning happening in your cells. They are in the spin cycle! They are vibrating so very fast you may feel yourself fuzzy and buzzing! Allow all of this. Some things will slough off, wheat from chafe, and others will rush in. The old will be completely eventually displaced by the new. Hold on and allow the higher vibrations to come forth. We know you are feeling tired. There is a blanket wave of energy moving through today that is dense and full of light codes. It is washing over you. Literally. Allow allow allow. Breathe and take as much rest in the next few days as you need. You will see the rainbow soon, and the pot of gold as well 😉 we love you dear ones, so very very much. Namaste.

Ps energy has no words. Allow the feelings of this change to speak to you in their own language, without judgement. Allow your intuition to be the interpreter of the light language.

The Pause

There seems to be a pause; the in between the inhale and the exhale. As much as we might want to move things forward, the best place to put that active energy is inward. There is something asking to be unearthed and cultivated from within. Now is the best time to tend to our own inner gardens. Everything you want to unfold is coming dear ones. Your order has been received and now you await the packages arrival. Feel the patience that is being asked for right now. Feel the pace of nature and find your connection to that rhythm. All in due time.

Under the Pink Full Moon

Full moon mandala with rose quartz, a very special piece of selenite and a few beach rocks and shells. The energy of this moon is asking us to look at the map of our lives with curiosity and wonder. To know which ever road we take leads back to the same place essentially, through shadows and all, allowing different experiences to enhance the characteristics of that path. The moon in Libra is asking me to balance my crown chakra so that my soul star chakra can root down more fully and my crown can open up more fully. This next phase of our human evolution feels like the first truly universal phase in which we connect the body to the spirit as a matter of course, bridging the gap between our soul and our physical being, so that we can experience a vaster understanding of being alive as an infinite idea. Libra feels actively neutral, always wanting to maintain balance through slight changes of weight and degree, combining with the moon to allow for the fine tuning of our emotional frequency (and the density it may carry), to release what has up to this point left us feeling unbalanced. What is the emotional vibration that feels most balanced to you right now? What can be let go of? All things to consider under this pink moon. 💕

The Light From Stars

Dear one,

We wish a wonderful morning to you all. Do you know what today is? It is the day of the light. We hear you saying, what’s so special about today? Aha. And to this you already know what we would say to you. This is THE day. This is not meant to be a riddle. It meant to encourage you to keep standing in this new energy, even if the changes that are occurring are uncomfortable. Growing pains. This is displacement in the truest sense. Anything that was old, stagnant, dense, not of love will be leaving your world more and more, and this begins with your innermost world first. That which does not resonate to the new external vibration combined with your inner harmonics will quite literally be pushed out of your field. A birth perhaps, though you may not see it that way. Allow this process, as we assure you it is just that, a process and you are deep in the throes of it. There is so much light pouring in now. We cannot emphasize this enough. You are not crazy! Things are always changing; this is birth, this is growth, this is the essence of nature. That which is old will fall away and decay to become the nutrients of new life. What is falling away from you? How is it feeding your growth? Bless it and release it. If it is gone, it has simply transformed shape to a form that will help you grow in a new way, in a new brighter light. We love you with all of our beings. You are beacons of love undergoing a truly revelatory metamorphosis. Hang in there. Namaste

X Marks the Spot

Good morning dear ones, there is so much knowledge we’d like to impart to you at this time. In fact what can feel frustrating is showing you what you already know, when we feel you reaching out for help from us, when we feel you searching searching searching for answers to questions; questions for which your very design as a human is the answer. You are asking us for directions to a place that you’re already in. You ask, how do I get to…and we say again, you are here. Do you see how this is driving you mad? You don’t fully believe you are here! This is it?? Well this doesn’t look like what I thought here would look like! And we say, look again. Where are you looking? Around, outside? Ok, but is that exactly here? That is near here, but here is you, within you. Stop for a moment. Close your eyes. Take three deep long breaths. With each breath allow it to fully fill your body and with exhale allow it to fully leave. Feel that peace. Feel your roots connecting deep into the earth. Feel the energy of the connection to Gaia radiate back up through you. Feel the brightest light surround you and come pouring in through the top of your head. Give permission for all thoughts to cease. Feel that light. Image a cone, like a funnel of light coming from the top of your head, allowing all universal energy to flow down into your body, where it meet with the energy of Gaia and your breath. Feel the peace wash over your entire being. Feel each piece of your body lighten in this energy. Stay here for as long as you like. Breathe in the peaceful feeling, breathe out anything that is not bringing you peace. Now we say, you are here! What can be found within this inner world? What do you notice? What images come to you? There is so much richness and depth here, and a connection to all of the questions you seek to have answered, mostly to remove the very human ego aspect of constantly feeling lost. Who’s to say you were ever lost? Who’s to say you were ever never not here? 😉 we love you with all of our beings. Namaste.

Go Within

Dear ones, the messages have been very clear for you, go within. Find your frequency, fine tune. That is all you need to do right now. Sometimes the hardest part of this work is quelling the outside distractions and obligations to others, to allow yourselves the time alone within. There is a vast universe within your being that holds the keys to everything outside of you. Outside is actually dealt with much easier from inside out first. As far as tuning your frequency to your personal resonant vibration, think of yourself as a piano, and also the tuner. 72 keys, some major some minor, infinite possibilities of creation. If you continue to play the instrument out of tune, it’s ok, but if you were to tweak it just a bit, you could really feel your song resonate through your whole universal self. Now is the time to get your tools and go quietly within and do your tuning work. This does not mean shut yourself off from the world either. It means bringing all of the keys of your life into harmonic convergence, not through force, but through alignment within in. Use your breath, employ meditation and find your peaceful center. See what unfolds from there. With all of our love, the council of nine. Blessings and Peace to you on this day.

*this message led me down a rabbit hole of questions and meditations which I will share once I process all of it. Sometimes, most times, when I pick up the thread of a question it leads me on a scavenger hunt of information. Yesterday was definitely one of those days. Have you experienced that? I’d love to know! 😍